We are really very very small !  
31 Dec 08, 02:17pm

There is a common misbelief that Sun and Earth are the largest objects in this universe. But there are many gigantic stars even in our Milkyway galaxy.

Our neighbor Jupiter is 1400 times bigger than Earth and Sun is 13 lakh times bigger than Earth, that means Sun could accommodate 13 lakh earths !

But if you think that Sun is the largest star in this Universe then you are wrong again ! There are more than 10 gigantic stars discovered so far in our galaxy with more than 1000 solar radius.

One of the largest know star, VY Canis Majoris, is approximately 2,100 times larger than Sun in terms of radius. To fill this gigantic star we would need 926 crore Suns or 11,666,192,832,000,000 Earths !

Suppose you travel in a car then it would take minimum 6,500 years to reach the other side of this gigantic star ! If you want to reach little faster then take a flight but that also would take minimum 600 years ! Or 1200 years to orbit the star once.

Remember there are around 20,000 to 40,000 crore stars in our Milkyway galaxy and this gigantic star just is one among them.

Milkyway galaxy itself 1 lakh light years wide. One light year is the distance travel by light in one year and that is almost 9,460,730,472,580km. It would take almost 11 lakh years to travel this distance by an aeroplane ! Light that travel at this very high speed would take 1 lakh years to cross the Milkyway galaxy !

Now if you think this Milkyway is the largest thing in this universe then you are wrong again! If you assume this Universe is same size of Earth then Milkyway galaxy would be so small like a tennis court !! This Milkyway is one among the 10,000 crore galaxies in this Universe ! That reveals the actual picture of our Universe.

Now if you assume Milkyway galaxy is equal to Earth then our Solar system would be equal to the size of a football ! Now assume size of Solar system is equal to the size of the Earth then our Earth would become as small as a small pond.

Even though we proudly say that man made satellites traveled to Moon, Mars, Jupiter etc keep it in mind that we are still frogs in a small well called Soar System !!

Also when we quarrel each other for small small things remember that we get only around 100 years (maximum) in this 1300 crore years old and 9,300 crore light years wide UNIVERSE !

God Krishna says in Bhagavat Gita

'avyakthAdhIni bhUthAni vyaktha madhyAni bhArathA |
avyaktha nidhanAn yEva thathrakA paridhEvanA || '

Arjuna, you dont know anything about your past life and you dont know anything about your life after death, you only know something about your present. Then why you are worrying about something (life) which you dont understand it fully...

Likewise we, our life, this Universe all are still unknown to us... We get only a very limited and very very short time to live in this world.. So let us live peacefully... and BE HAPPY ALWAYS !!!