You can become an actor  
25 Mar 09, 04:07pm

In the olden days many guys complete their schools and head to Madras to become actors. They may have thought acting is easy and all they have to do is to pretend. This is far from the truth.

It is old story where there are only films and theatre to act. Now a days the chances for getting paid as an actor has increased by multiples of 100.

All of us are actors, even if we don't get paid crores of rupee to perform. Acting is not an easy career by any stretch. It can be a lot of fun (in your imagination), but to have any sort of longevity, you must respect acting as a craft that must be mastered.

Becoming a professional actor can simply be a matter of being in the right place at the right time. So first develop the skills to master the gift of acting.

Be ready to do whatever it takes as there is tough competition out there.

Only a small percentage of working actors ever reach the lucrative ranks of a Rajni Kanth or Kamalhaasan. But it is possible to find regular employment as an actor if you're willing to do the legwork between jobs.

Here are some tips for becoming a paid actor

Enrolling in an acting class
The sooner an aspiring actor enrolls to acting class, the sooner will he be on his way to becoming an actor. Those people who believe they know everything are in fool’s paradise.

It also helps in networking. This network will give you information that you would not receive if you were not part of a class.

Try not to choose acting class which comes as college course. You don’t need to study all that theory. How to become an actor sometimes means learning when not to act. A successful actor must learn to tap into imaginative world.

You can study more by becoming a better observer than attending any class. Few professional actors create their characters from scratch.

Do what you can do in your hometown
First do what you can do in your hometown, like attending stage programs, acting in serials, music videos etc.

Move to more desirable places
Move to places near to film studios or places where most shooting takes place. Be prepared to spend much of your early acting career not acting.

Prepare for acting auditions
Many production companies hold open auditions for minor roles in films or TV.

The hardest thing for beginning actors to learn is patience.

Acting is not a profession for those who seek a guaranteed paycheck. For those who have talent and who can manage to survive the early years, professional acting can be very satisfying career.