Russian professor Predicts U.S. Breakup by 2010  
30 Dec 08, 09:55am

For more than a decade Russian professor Igor Panarin has been constantly talking about United States disintegrating into six pieces in 2010.

But till September there were not much takers for his theory. But now his predictions are getting international attention and Russians are closely watching his findings and predictions at a time when US is reeling under deep economic crisis.

Igor N. Panarin, Doctor in political sciences and professor of the Diplomatic Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia is the author of nine books, Infowar and power, Infowar and world, Infowar and election, and others, and of many political essays published in various journals.

He says that there is a 45 to 55% chance of a disintegration of the United States. Mr Igor Panarin is a former KGB analyst and dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats.

As per his theory mass immigration and economic decline will ignite a civil war and collapse of the dollar.

According to his theory Alaska would become under Russian control, Atlantic America would join the European Union, The Central North-American Republic would become part of Canada, The Texas Republic reverts to Mexico, The California Republic falls under Chinese control or influence and Hawaii goes either to China or Japan.

He also says that it is a not a good scenario for Russia too as its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S.

Now this is a hot topics in US too as major news sites like Wallstreet Journal and USA Today published his predictions.