Scientists find evidence of Dark Energy  
22 Dec 08, 09:45am

In a major development a group of scientists claimed that they have used a new technique to confirm the existence of the mysterious force, Dark Energy.

The new finding shows that dark energy is helping universe to expand at a rapid rate but it also stunting the growth of the objects inside it.

This findings appear to verify that Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity that dark energy is the so-called cosmological constant, a part of his theory in which empty space has energy.

Alexey Vikhlinin of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge and his colleges used Nasa's Chandra X-Ray Observatory to study a 86 galaxy clusters.

In the absence of dark energy, gravity's pull should have caused the total number of clusters to increase by a factor of 50 over the last 5.5 billion years, but to their surprise it was increased only by a factor of 10. Scientists believe that this is a clear evidence of dark energy.

Our universe is expanding every day. Previously it was believed that this is due to gravity. But if it is due to gravity then the speed of expansion should slow down over time. But in reality the universe is accelerating its expansion. This shows that some hidden energy is behind this expansion. Scientists call this as "Dark Energy", which is not electric, magnetic or electromagnetic, all these are measurable today.

Gaps between galaxies are becoming too large and in future most of the galaxies will not be visible from earth.

Now the new study shows that dark energy is not only expanding the universe but also restricting the expansion of objects inside galaxies or limiting the size of galaxies or galaxy clouds.

Also it is believed that it makes up nearly three-quarters of our universe.