Money Today

Money Today is a financial magazine published in India. Here's an overview of its profile:

Money Today is a monthly financial magazine that focuses on personal finance, investments, banking, insurance, taxation, and other related topics. It provides readers with information, insights, and advice to help them manage their finances effectively.

The magazine covers a wide range of subjects, including investment strategies, mutual funds, stock market analysis, real estate, retirement planning, tax-saving techniques, and more. It aims to educate readers on various aspects of personal finance and empower them to make informed financial decisions.

Money Today features articles written by financial experts, industry professionals, and experienced journalists. It provides in-depth analysis, interviews, case studies, and practical tips to help readers navigate the complex world of finance and achieve their financial goals.

The magazine also includes sections on business news, economic updates, and profiles of successful individuals and entrepreneurs. It aims to provide a holistic view of the financial landscape and its impact on individuals and businesses.

Money Today may have an online presence, offering additional content and resources through its website. This digital platform may provide access to articles, tools, calculators, and interactive features to enhance the reader's financial knowledge and planning.

Money Today is the business newspaper from India Today.

Information on stocks, mutual funds, markets, insurance, tax, banking and much more are available on this paper.

Malcolm D. Mistry,
Publishing Director,
Trade Centre, 2nd Floor, Kamla City,
S.B. Marg Lower Parel (W)
Mumbai - 400013
Tel: 91-22-24983355

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