The Economic Times

The Economic Times is an English-language daily newspaper published in India. Here's an overview of its profile:

The Economic Times, often abbreviated as ET, is one of the leading business newspapers in India. It focuses on business, finance, economy, markets, and related news and analysis. The newspaper is known for its extensive coverage of the corporate world, stock markets, policy decisions, economic developments, and entrepreneurship.

The Economic Times provides its readers with in-depth reporting, market analysis, and expert opinions on various sectors such as banking, finance, technology, industry, and more. It covers domestic and international business news, industry trends, policy changes, and regulatory updates.

The newspaper is published by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., which is part of the Times Group, one of India's largest media conglomerates. The Economic Times has a strong readership base among business professionals, investors, policymakers, and individuals interested in the financial world.

In addition to its print edition, The Economic Times has a robust online presence with its website and mobile applications. Readers can access news articles, market data, opinion pieces, and other features digitally. The newspaper also publishes special supplements and magazines focusing on specific sectors, industries, and topics of interest to business readers.

The Economic Times has a reputation for providing reliable and up-to-date information, financial insights, and expert analysis. It has received numerous awards for its journalism and is considered a trusted source of business news in India.

Overall, The Economic Times plays a vital role in providing business and financial news, analysis, and insights to its readers, helping them stay informed about the latest developments in the corporate and economic landscape in India and globally.

The Economic Times is India's largest financial daily and the world's second largest financial daily after The Wall Street Journal, with a daily readership of over 650,000 copies.

Its main content is based on the Indian economy, share prices, prices of commodities as well as other matters related to finance.

The Economic Times is characterised by its salmon-pink paper, all of which is recycled. It is also the favourite newspaper among the city's business houses. It is sold in Mumbai, India, and all the major cities of India.

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