Velammal Matric. Hr. Sec School, Ambattur - Redhills Road, Chennai

Velammal Matric. Hr. Sec School, Surapet is an ISO 9001 Certified Institution. The school was started in the year 2000. The school is a co-educational English medium school.

The School follows the Tamilnadu Matriculation Board system upto class X and Tamilnadu Higher Secondary Examination system for class XI and class XII. The courses offered for classes XI and XII are Computer Science, Biology and Commerce (only for girls).

The school is located in a serene atmosphere in Puzhal. The water reservoir for Chennai has also become the reservoir of knowledge, located adjacent to Velammal Engineering College. The school is on the way to Redhills from Ambattur.

The biggest attraction of the Surapet school are the massive playground facilities because of the vast extent of land. The ground facilities are for Cricket, Football, Volley ball, Hockey, Ball-badminton courts, Lawn tennis courts and so on.

Address : Velammal Matric. Hr. Sec. School
Velammal Nagar,
Ambattur - Redhills Road,
Chennai - 600 066. India.

Phone : + 91 - 44 - 26591840
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